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Wednesday, August 23, 2017

About this Blog...

The intent of this blog is to share with Sherman and Alberti offspring anecdotal stories and photo’s they might not have seen, or stories they might not have heard of their more immediate ancestors.   I’m hoping this becomes an open forum where you can share stories or pictures you might have with the group. I lean toward speculative theories and anecdotal stories and often wander off the beaten path.  If you want solid no-nonsense information on who begat who, check with Lynn Cox, Ruth’s husband. He has done a lot of detective work and has traced our relatives back 25 generations.  I’ll start with sharing what I have on my mother's great-grandparents. I want this to be a Wikipedia type of blog where you can correct, complain, or add to anything written here.  I extend my mea culpa in advance for all the errors, omissions, and defamation I will undoubtedly be responsible for.

1 comment:

  1. Stumbled across this Blog Pleased to join and learn more about my Alberti/Sherman family.
